Posts tagged philosophy in practice
Yoga Toolbox: How to Practice PRANAYAMA Breathing Techniques for Vitality and Longevity

The breath may seem so simple, but it is so profound. It is intimately linked to and has a direct influence on the body, mind, and emotions. Breathing techniques like Bhramari Pranayama have also been shown be incredibly effective self-regulation techniques for anyone suffering from anxiety and PTSD. It is no wonder techniques to control and direct the breath have been practiced for centuries, especially techniques to prepare yoga practitioners for the journey inward toward concentration, contemplation, and meditation.

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Mudra is a sanskrit word meaning seal. In yoga it refers to gestures or attitudes which can be psychic, emotional, devotional, or simply for aesthetic effect. Mudras are used to influence the flow of prāṇa, or life-sustaining energy as well as to alter mood or increase concentration and focus on an object of meditation. A mudra can be a simple gesture with the hands or it can be a complex and prescriptive combination of body posture, subtle physical movements including muscular contractions and breathing techniques along with visualization.

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UJJAYI: Riding the waves of the 'OCEANIC BREATH'

The ujjayi breath is used as a tool to encourage the mind to rest its awareness on the immediate experience unfolding before us. We become a "witness" to the waves of breath continuously coming and going in the present moment of the "here-and-now." Discover the benefits of this transformative breath practice and try it for yourself using the Ujjayi HOW-TO guide.

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YOGA BASICS: Relaxing in Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

One purpose of yoga is to help us carry out simultaneous self-analysis and self-development. We use awareness techniques and practice listening within so that we are better able to positively develop ourselves. There are many techniques and practices that aim at this; one of the most simple and profound is the practice of shavasana.

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#YOGAOFLIVING | How Yoga helped me as an Occupational Therapist

 It can be said that the negative energy that whirls around us in the world is an outward manifestation of the whirlwind of energy going on within ourselves. This can manifest outwardly through our words, deeds and thoughts, pervading our body, mind and soul. Occupational Therapist and yogini, Theresa Wagner talks the art of maintaining a safe, nourishing environment and making the commitment to safeguarding that environment for oneself and others through the practice of ahimsā, or non-harming.

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