Posts tagged grounding
LOTUS FEET: 3-Step Foot Care Ritual

 Our feet carry us through this life. They bear our weight and they connect us to our foundation on earth. Many, many beings have walked this earth to experience life's beautiful, raw energy. We are just one precious, singular manifestation among them.

In many eastern traditions, the feet are considered to be both sacred and profane. Guests are offered water to cleanse their feet upon entering the home of their host. Many rituals and prayers around the world commence with the cleansing of the feet. In this spirit, we begin our ritual of cleansing the feet. 

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Mudra is a sanskrit word meaning seal. In yoga it refers to gestures or attitudes which can be psychic, emotional, devotional, or simply for aesthetic effect. Mudras are used to influence the flow of prāṇa, or life-sustaining energy as well as to alter mood or increase concentration and focus on an object of meditation. A mudra can be a simple gesture with the hands or it can be a complex and prescriptive combination of body posture, subtle physical movements including muscular contractions and breathing techniques along with visualization.

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