TRAVEL WELL: 5 Ways to Fight Jet Lag and Travel Fatigue

It's never a good feeling when you're rushing to the airport straight from work, rushed and unprepared for another travel adventure. Maybe you're traveling across time zones, making several connections with long layovers, or lugging around heavy baggage.  Perhaps stress and panic has set in leaving you exhausted yet unable to sleep. We've been there. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy and rested. Plan ahead, take it easy, and don't forget to nourish yourself 'cuz you're not about to get sick on this trip! 


1. Get rest when you need to reset your circadian rhythm. Try to establish healthy habits ahead of time and catch up on sleep debt. Our internal clock is influenced by environmental factors so use a sleep mask and close blinds and shades to promote a good resting environment and to establish a light cue to help sync your internal clock. Can't sleep? Try relaxing in Shavasana.

2.  Keep hydrated and nourished! During your flight, drink plenty of water. If you'd like, add in electrolytes but definitely skip the alcohol and wine. Pack a few healthy snacks like almonds, fruit, or nutrition bars. In your in-flight bag, pack facial mist, lip balm, eye cream and hand cream to keep stressed, dull skin fresh. To help induce sleep, pack a sachet of chamomile tea and ask for hot water. 

3. Get moving! Exercise will help your body perform and recover better and faster. If you can, exercise outside in fresh air and natural light. Why not try a few rounds of Sun Salutations?

4. Slow Down! Make time for self-care and recovery. Traveling can be frustrating and stressful at times so remember to appreciate the moments and enjoy your journey. Give yourself a foot massage or roll out any tension using therapy/massage balls. Listen to your body and respect how hard it is working! The last thing you want is to become over-exhausted or sick! So, take it easy on yourself once in a while. 

5. Get centered. If you're feeling anxious or stressed out, try a yoga practice, meditation session, or some breath work to help you maintain your perspective. Float therapy, or floating in a sensory deprivation tank is another great tool to help relieve stress, chronic tension, and jet lag.

Related: Our 5 Most Effective Post-Workout Rituals for Muscle Fatigue Recovery

What's your best travel tip? Let us know in the comments below!